1.[meShare Cloud]What should I do when my subscription fails to renew (Android)?

2.[meShare Cloud]What should I do when my subscription fails to renew (iOS)?

3.[meShare Cloud] How do I stop the automatic renewal and recurring fees for my cloud subscription?

4.[meShare Cloud]How can I cancel my cloud subscription if I subscribed using the iOS mobile app?

5.[meShare Cloud]How can I cancel my cloud subscription if I subscribed using the web app or Android mobile app?

6.[meShare Cloud]How do I sign up for a cloud service subscription?

7.[meShare Cloud] When will the cloud service be available after I subscribe?

8.[meShare Cloud] Can I review video after the subscription has ended?

9.[meShare Cloud] How will my subscription be renewed?

10.[meShare Product] How does the meShare Camera store recorded videos?

11.[meShare Store] What can I do if my payment fails?

12.[meShare Store] What can I do if my cloud status is pending?

13.[meShare Store] Do I have to pay for additional smartphones or tablets connected to a device with meShare cloud service?

14.[meShare Store] If my device is broken and replaced, how do you deal with the remaining duration of cloud service?

15. [meShare Store] Can I change my subscription or payment method?

16. [Troubleshooting/Subscription] Can I transfer my subscription to a different device or a different account?

17. [Troubleshooting/Subscription] Do I still have access to videos recorded at the subscription period if I just unsubscribed the cloud service?

18.[Troubleshooting/Subscription] Can I change my 7-day cloud plan to 30-day?

19.[Warranty] Can I request a refund if I decide not to use the cloud service?

20.[Warranty] How do I request a replacement/refund?